Magic knot tutorial

The magic knot is the easiest and fastest way to do colour changes when crocheting!

If you know me, you know I've been dealing with destashing for a while. I'm really trying to create the perfect small and manageable yarn stash. This means that I had to crochet lots of scrap projects! And do you know what is the worst part of crocheting with scraps? Dealing with all the ends!

I couldn't weave so many ends anymore, I simply don't have enough patience for it, so I started using the magic knot technique instead! It works like magic indeed!

Among the many projects I realised with scraps, the Scrapillow is my favourite! It is made of scrap yarns, and thanks to the lining and the zip, I'm stashing the scraps that are too little to be used for crocheting in there! You can find the pattern here: Scrapillow Pattern. The tutorial here, together with a tutorial to sew the lining and place a zip are part of the pattern!

I'll go through the steps here, but please, feel free to contact me if you want any other information or tips (or to let me know if you did enjoy it or not!). You can reach out to me any time in the comments here, or DM me on Instagram @O_layarn, or emailing me at

To make the most of your yarn scarps and don’t have to deal with weaving in too many ends, I highly recommend using the magic knot!

Step 1:

Place two scraps in front of you, and think of it as placing the end of one (the blue scrap),  against the beginning of the other (the pink)

Step 2:

Place the beginning of the new scrap (the pink one) underneath the first scrap (blue one)

Step 3:

Bring the tail up to create a loop

Step 4:

Pull the tail inside the loop from the back of the loop

Step 5:

Pull tight to have your first knot

Step 6:

Now place the blue tail underneath the pink scrap

Step 7:

Bring the tail down to create a loop

Step 8:

Pull the tail inside the loop from the back of the loop and pull tight to have your second knot

Step 9:

Grab the two blue and pink scraps and pull them in opposite direction to push the two knots next to each other and cut the ends. This knot is the magic knot and its very very sturdy!

Now you can enjoy crocheting with as many colours as you'd like, and without having to weave in the ends! What a dream!

To see what I'm up to you can follow me on insta at @o_layarn

Go and look around this nook, because many things are already up and many others are coming!

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